Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Truth About Reverse Osmosis Systems

The dictionary definition of osmosis is a "slow change in concentration: the diffusion of a solvent through a semipermeable membrane from a dilute to a more concentrated solution."
The definition of Reverse Osmosis, also known as RO, is "the production of pure liquids: a process of purifying water or other liquids such as fruit juices by passing them through a semipermeable membrane that filters out unwanted substances". Osmosis is the reason why drinking salty water is deadly. If you were to you drink salty water and have it go into your stomach, the osmotic pressure begins to draw the water out of your body to try to dilute the salt in your stomach and eventually you start to dehydrate and could possibly die.

osmosis water system

The purified or pure water is collected from the clean side, or permeate side, of the membrane and on the other side is the water containing the concentrated contaminants which is flushed down the drain. The most common reverse osmosis system has a sediment/chlorine pre-filter, the reverse-osmosis membrane, a storage tank and an activated carbon post filter.


The reverse osmosis system removes salt and most inorganic materials that are present in the water. For this reason it is used in places where you find brackish or salty type water that contains nitrates or other dissolved minerals which are difficult to remove by other methods. It also removes the minerals from the water.

De-mineralized water contains more hydrogen and therefore, it is an acid solution where the pH is below seven. Consuming this acid substance causes our body to pull minerals from other sources, such as our teeth and bones to produce bicarbonate in an effort to neutralize the acid. This can be very negative. It has been proven that the production of free radicals goes up when body fluids are more acid than alkaline and this increases our risks for cancer.

All of our fresh water contains traces of minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. I am not aware of any location on this planet earth where we can locate naturally occurring de-mineralization in the water. This makes me believe that we are meant to have these minerals. There are several studies and books written from a scientific view, that consumption of de-mineralized water can be dangerous over a long term and can result in multiple mineral deficiencies.

Many companies began marketing these reverse osmosis systems because of increased popularity and demand for water filtration products for the home. They advertised these systems as "state of the art" or "new" which is just not the case. The reverse osmosis system is often demonstrated using a device that measures the total dissolved solids or TDS or conductivity of the water. This tends to imply that this measurement shows the effectiveness of this reverse osmosis system to remove contaminants. But TDS meters measure the dissolved minerals in the water and have nothing, or very little, to do with the purity or the water or the contaminant levels.

I believe it is easy to determine which water filter system or reverse osmosis system is best for you if you take your time to compare each of the home water purifier systems data, performance, cost and ongoing cost per gallon.

The Truth About Reverse Osmosis Systems


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