Reverse units are good for what they were originally intended, removing turbidity (cloudiness) and solids from water, this includes necessary minerals. However, humans are not supposed to drink water without trace minerals. The only reason a human should have de-mineralized water is when they need kidney dialysis. Minerals are how humans get some of the necessary trace elements that they need to survive. Minerals also make the water taste fresher. There is nowhere on the planet that you will find naturally occurring de-mineralized water. In fact, if you introduce de-mineralized water from reverse osmosis water units into the ecosystem it will alter the pH balance of the soil around it negatively. Also, keep in mind, people are the healthiest are where the water has a naturally occurring balance of minerals such as potassium, calcium, sodium and so on. Another big reason reverse osmosis water units are not a good idea is they do not remove chlorine. Chlorine is the main reason most people get filteration systems in the first place.
Reverse was originally intended for desalinization plants. In the industrial sector, desalinization is ideal. This is what reverse osmosis is good at, removing particles from the water. Irregardless of what particles exist in the water, whether it is salt or minerals reverse osmosis units will remove them. water units were also used in the printing industry where the water for printing needed to be pristine. However, reverse osmosis water units should have stayed in the industrial and commercial arenas because it is simply not the best to drink from.
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