Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Reverse Osmosis Home Systems

Reverse osmosis home systems, like distillers, were popular, at one time, but not so much today. There is an ongoing debate over the long term health effects of drinking distilled or reverse osmosis water, rather than filtered water with trace minerals.

osmosis jones

You see both reverse osmosis home systems and distillers de-mineralize the water. That is, the natural trace minerals that are important to our health are removed by these systems. In some industries, such as film processing, de-mineralized water is a necessity and that's what the systems were originally designed for.


The fact that none of the leading brands are reverse osmosis home systems should tell you something. It's just an unnecessary expense for most people. The only reasonable use is in homes with well water that tends to be brackish or salty. An ion exchange filter would probably take care of even that.

There are some studies that claim drinking reverse osmosis water is "okay". But experienced water specialists believe that drinking naturally balanced water, with trace minerals intact, is best for your health.

For one thing, de-mineralized water is completely unnatural. Nowhere in the world will you find naturally occurring water that does not contain trace minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium. Instead of reverse osmosis home systems, you should be looking for a product that will balance the mineral content of your water, as well as the pH level.

Reverse osmosis water is acidic. A number of studies suggest that cancer cells grow only in acidic environments. Supporting evidence is found in the fact that people who live the longest and have the least diseases live in areas where the water has more of an alkaline pH, in other words, a higher mineral content.

In the "Joy of Health", Dr. Zolton Rana has this to say, "The longer one consumes distilled water, the more likely the development of mineral deficiencies and an acid state." The water that comes from reverse osmosis home systems is just like distilled water, in terms of mineral content and pH level.

In "How to get Well", Dr. Paavo Airola, an oncologist and cancer expert, says that "long term consumption of distilled water eventually results in multiple mineral deficiencies". In order to function properly, our bodies need minerals. In order for our bones and joints to be healthy, we need minerals. One of the best natural sources of trace minerals is water, but not "reverse osmosis water".

Reverse osmosis water filters waste water. They are expensive initially and expensive to maintain. The membranes inside of the units are delicate and prone to manufacturer defect. Replacing them is difficult, because they tear easily.

You deserved to drink, shower and live with clean healthy water. Reverse osmosis home systems don't even remove chlorine. So, think, before you buy. Now you know the facts.

Reverse Osmosis Home Systems


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