Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Health Through Reverse Osmosis Myth - Why Home Reverse Osmosis Systems May Not Be For You!

You've probably seen ads from time to time stating that you can achieve better health through reverse osmosis. That would be great if it was at all true, but it isn't. These are simply falsehoods presented to you by the marketing agents in order to sell you a home reverse osmosis system.

osmosis replenish

The only field that has been able to derive any benefit to health through reverse osmosis is medical kidney dialysis. Although the processes are very similar, they are still only remotely comparable.


Water treatment centers use reverse osmosis to remove mineralized or seeable debris from our water, but without further filtering for chemicals, metals, and parasites, the system doesn't render water safe to drink. If a treatment facility can't get the job done using the same equipment, what would lead you to believe that a home reverse osmosis system is going to do any better?

There is a multi-layered filtering system necessary to totally clean and purify your water of which a home reverse osmosis system is only the first step. It is ineffective and an inefficient means of cleaning your water. The systems are costly at about ,000 at base price, and are terribly wasteful. Five gallons of water are wasted for about every gallon cleaned. Although the companies will tell you that their home reverse osmosis systems will in fact effectively block out 99%of all contaminants from entering your home.

Since the system is only designed to stop objects with a greater molecular weight than water, hence a mineral, everything else flows through unscathed. This allows chlorine and other toxic chemicals, liquid pesticides, liquid coolants, and microscopic organisms not only entry into your home, but directly into your drinking glass.

We touched earlier on the huge price of the system itself, but we forgot to mention a couple of other things. The system has got to be professionally installed. Since none of the manufacturers we looked up offered installation services you're going to have to hire a plumber. Have you seen how much those guys charge? When you hire the plumber, make sure that he's someone with whom you can get along. You're going to be seeing him again.

Why would we say that? The truth is that the membrane filter system needs constant maintenance, and even still, the filters need to be replaced fairly often. You see, even your wallet can't maintain good health through reverse osmosis.

If you're not convinced not to buy a home reverse osmosis system yet maybe this will push you over the edge. If you talk to a representative of your local treatment facility, they will tell you that your best bet is to buy bottled water! Surprised? Confused? You shouldn't be.

Reverse osmosis de-mineralizes the water. The human body needs trace minerals to maintain health. The bottled water, although purified tap water mostly, has had these necessary minerals put back in.

So, you see, you truly cannot even maintain health through reverse osmosis, let alone improve it.

The Health Through Reverse Osmosis Myth - Why Home Reverse Osmosis Systems May Not Be For You!


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