When reverse filter systems were first used for residences they were a huge seller. However this was before people knew the effects of drinking water put through a reverse osmosis water filter. Reverse osmosis is not the best way to filter water, certainly it is better than no filter at all, but there are many disadvantages to drinking water from a reverse osmosis water filter.
Reverse liquid filter systems cannot filter anything that is lighter, that is to say smaller molecularly, than water. Many pesticides, bacteria and chlorine are lighter than water and they are left behind in water that has gone through a reverse osmosis water filter. Also, minerals that are essential for our health are stripped away from the water through reverse osmosis. This leaves us with de-mineralized water that is potential harmful to our health because of the pesticides.
Another big disadvantage is the waste of water. Reverse and osmosis has been shown to waste about four gallons of water for ever one it produces. Additionally, the water that is wasted and sent back out into the world is not of a natural pH balance and thus not safe for the environment. In addition to the waste, you are wasting time to wait for reverse osmosis treatments. That one gallon to be produced takes between three and four hours to be produced.
Everything that a reverse and filter is supposed to do can be done by another type of filtration and in most cases it is done better. For example, carbon filtration wastes no water, it wastes no time and it does not filter out the minerals from the water. Ultraviolet radiation treatment kills all of the bacteria and other microorganisms from the liquid that reverse and osmosis would miss.
Reverse Osmosis Water Filter OSMOSIS
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